Some directors and boards and some governance, compliance and risk management practices have become a “hinder” rather than a “help”, In particular, the risk management community needs to review its role, contribution and professionalism. The perspectives of some risk managers need to broaden to embrace networks, supply and value chains and a wider range of stakeholders. A socially responsible company should also be concerned about risks affecting communities and the environment, especially those resulting from its own activities and actions. Helping others to cope could be a business opportunity. Contemporary risk management needs to be less of a compliance and…
Author: Prof. Colin Coulson-Thomas
[gt_alert id=”gt-alert-93″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””]Gyan Diksha Samaroh Commencement Ceremony of 22nd Academic Session: Guest of Honour Commencement Ceremony Address, 2nd September 2017 [/gt_alert] I bring greetings and best wishes for His Holiness your 36th Pontiff and to all members of your Order, distinguished guests and the Sri Sharada Institute community. I bring them from HE Don Carlos Gereda y de Borbon, Marques de Almazan, and the late 49th Grand Master of The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. I also bring them from India’s Institute of Directors. In many…
Sport and the environment might appear unlikely bedfellows, but could socially responsible sport help us to build a more positive relationship with the natural world? Could active participation in sport as an athlete, player or supporter be less damaging of the natural world than alternative uses of our time? Does socially responsible sport deserve social responsibility support? World Conservation Day World Conservation Day reminds us of of the fragility of our natural environment, much of which is under threat from human activities, whether directly as a result of the deforestation and exploitation caused by relentless development or indirectly as a…
Many business leaders are hindering creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship Global convention call for corporate policies and practices to encourage and support creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship rather than frustrate and repress them. Many business leaders are obstacles to creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and the openness we need for the to cope with disruptive innovation, according to Prof. Colin Coulson-Thomas. Speaking at a global convention and world congress in Dubai, the author of Winning Companies, Winning People told business leaders: “Too many directors and boards are excessively concerned with order and standards. They are slaves to particular models and approaches. They are…
Responding to challenges and opportunities in the global economy and helping people to cope with them is creating an historic opportunity for businesses, government, public bodies and regulators to work together to ensure the results of growth are more widely shared. We could be on the threshold of a new era of cooperation and collaborative capitalism. The contemporary company is a network of relationships with stakeholders. Among these stakeholders, customers, employees, suppliers and business partners can be as important as shareholders if not more important for a company’s growth and development. While in company law the interests of shareholders have…
Sustainability and environmental quality are issues for citizens, communities, cities and the businesses that operate within them. Pollution, congestion and adverse weather conditions can impact upon health, productivity and performance. A company, its people and its customers can all benefit from resilient and effective transportation, water, energy, sanitation, sewerage, rubbish collection and waste disposal services. When formulating a corporate strategy for managing the relationship with the environment and taking decisions concerning production, corporate offerings, infrastructure and the built environment, to what extent should a board take social as well as business issues into account? Should CSR practitioners be involved? Climate…
[gt_alert id=”gt-alert-523″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””]Excellence and innovation need to be appropriate, affordable and sustainable. [/gt_alert] Striving for excellence and innovation can be counter productive if we ignore the questions of excellence and innovation in what and for whom. Speaking at the 26th World Congress for Business Excellence and Innovation Prof. Colin Coulson-Thomas asked “why should customers pay for excellence and innovation that is neither relevant to them nor represents value for them?” The author of Winning Companies; Winning People told delegates that whether or not excellence is a good thing or a…
Summary of Activities During 2015 The International Governance Initiative of the Order of St Lazarus which has been led since its inception by Prof. Colin Coulson-Thomas is as needed today as it was when first established over 25 years ago. It has been estimated that as much as a half of the EU’s annual development aid, or some £11.5 billion, is wasted. 2015 was a busy year for the initiative with activities under way in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Contributions were made to twenty conferences, congresses, conventions, courses and summits in various locations, including Barcelona, Bengaluru, Colombo, Dubai,…
Corporate governance is particularly associated with companies listed on the stock exchanges of developed countries, where ownership and control is more clearly separated than in other contexts. Effort has also been devoted to improving the governance of public bodies, but how applicable are governance principles to new and emerging challenges, the changing nature of organisations, private companies, family businesses, SMEs, social enterprises, the voluntary sector and professional bodies? What should the priorities be for governance in 2016? [gt_heading id=”gt-heading-736″ tag=”h1″ type=”double-separator” text_align=”center” icon=”” separator_color=”” font_size=”21″ font_color=”” font_weight=”900″ css=””]THE ROLE OF GOVERNANCE[/gt_heading] How should those with the power to influence governance…
What priorities will be set by CSR teams and for CSR activities in 2016? The end of one calendar year and the start of a new one represents an opportunity to take stock of the road ahead for CSR. Will we continue to see companies investing in a portfolio of self-contained corporate initiatives, or will there be consolidation and a greater focus upon projects that will achieve a more strategic impact? Will companies continue to act alone, or will more effort be devoted to collaboration, including with public organisations as companies become more engaged with social initiatives? The forthcoming 10th…