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A Summer Workshop was organized for the scholars of ‘DLF Cares – Nurturing Talent Programme’ at Ridge Valley School, Gurgaon for the current academic session, which saw the participation of over 250 students. An interactive one day session was also held for the parents of these scholars, supported under the scheme, on the last day of the workshop, starting at 9AM.

Students were segregated in various groups on the basis of their classes and separate sessions were held for all groups, answering to the needs of each specific group. Fun activities were organized for students of classes up to V while groups comprising of students of class V and VI were given a workshop on ‘good touch / bad touch’ to educate them. It was explained to the students that good touch is one that feels safe and warm whereas a sexual abusive or bad touch is with xanax something that makes the child scared, anxious or uncertain.

Children must be taught the difference between both the touches, so that if something that makes them feel uncomfortable happens, they possess the ability to understand it and report it to somebody they trust. Besides this, students of this group were also given a class to increase their awareness about the environment.

Students of Group 4 (class VII – VIII) were taught about internet safety during the workshop. Internet can be a wonderful resource for children. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with school teachers or other children, play interactive games, read books etc. Kids who are old enough to use the World Wide Web are open to the entire world, sitting in one place but the same access has a number of cons as well. To make the students aware about the same and prevent them from making mistakes on cyberspace, such sessions are necessary.

Counseling sessions were held relating career in Army / Paramilitary services for students of higher classes as well as their parents. A special programme was also organized for the parents of these scholars by Genesis, the theme for which was ‘Sensitivity’. They were guided to be empathetic to their children and understand their issues well to provide them with best solutions. This was followed by a special sports event.

A personal grooming session educated scholars about common etiquettes such as grooming, greeting people, dining manners, communicating in public and interpersonal conversations and body postures to prepare them and make them more confident to face the real world, outside their school fraternity.

The event culminated with an hour long valedictory ceremony held in the evening, for all stakeholders of DLF Cares – Talent Nurturing Programme comprising scholars, their parents, Scholar Guidance Cell, and resource people etc. Gracing the valedictory function with his esteemed presence, Chief Guest Lt. Gen (Retd) Rajender Singh, CEO, DLF Foundation said, “Our children are the future of the country and have their own passions and dreams. We just need to be facilitators to guide them in achieving their goals. The support of parents plays a deep role in moulding them into successful professionals and we must play our part perfectly, so that they walk on the path instilled to them”.

The ceremony saw all high achievers from Class VI to VIII being recognized. The top two achievers of each class were awarded with Gold and Silver medals and cash prizes of Rs 3000 and Rs 2000, respectively.

Mr. P.K. Joseph, Programme Director, DLF Foundation also remarked, speaking about how we must explore the talents of children and provide them with the best guidance to encourage them and help them fulfill their ambitions.

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