Author: Business Wire India

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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India [gt_alert id=”gt-alert-829″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””] Kick starts Datsun Flagbearers campaign in eight cities during ICC WT20. Campaign to provide unexpected access to around 200 underprivileged children. [/gt_alert] Continuing with its brand campaign #ISayYes, to engage and support the aspirational youth of India, Datsun announced its association with Magic Bus for Datsun Flagbearers campaign. The joint campaign will run throughout the ICC World Twenty20 2016 and enable almost 200 underprivileged children to walk hand-in-hand with cricketing legends on the field as flagbearers during the matches. Datsun Flagbearers campaign will officially…

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[gt_alert id=”gt-alert-321″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””]Financial literacy workshops for women from 8 states across 24 locations in India to foster better saving and investment habits, open bank accounts and help make informed financial decisions. [/gt_alert] Mumbai, Maharashtra, India DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd., one of the premier asset management companies in India, in association with Parinaam Foundation successfully conducted financial literacy workshops to benefit 4,000 women in the lower income segment, educate them about the importance of financial planning and introduce them to basics of financial services.  This was part of ‘Winvestor’…

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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India The new Millennium has seen Mumbai’s skyline change, as the Metropolis morphed from being just the financial hub of the country to a global finance centre. This has impacted the skyline of the city in the sense that high-rise towers have soared higher and higher. While this vertical-development is welcome, from the perspective of safety, it brings in the need to educate stake holders as regards safety precautions. The need to understand different perspectives on handling fire safety issues was stressed on by National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO – Maharashtra) President Niranjan Hiranandani.  Lauding the Mumbai…

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[gt_alert id=”gt-alert-885″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””] German Company Messe Frankfurt Initiates Special Training for Specially-abled People of Sunder Nagri Slums. Art and crafts to be displayed to top home fashion buyers at India’s premier Heimtextil & Ambiente India shows in June. [/gt_alert] New Delhi, Delhi, India Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt. Ltd., the Indian subsidiary of one the world’s leading exhibition organisers, announced a special training course for specially-abled people in the Sunder Nagri region of New Delhi. The workshop is being organised in association with Life Charitable Trust targeting differently-abled people…

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[gt_alert id=”gt-alert-88″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””]Embassy Office Parks in association with Performax and Contours India hosted Contour’s Women’s day run at Embassy Golflinks. [/gt_alert] Bangalore, Karnataka, India Embassy Office Parks in association with Performax and Contours, India’s largest chain of Women’s gyms hosted the 7th edition of Contours Women’s Day Run on 6th March 2016 at Embassy GolfLinks in Bangalore. Contours Women’s Day Run, one of the first run events in the city, started in the year 2010. Contours, being India’s largest chain of Women’s gyms realized that a Run would be a…

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New Delhi, Delhi, India In India, women empowerment has different connotations. In rural India it is quite different compared to the urban areas. The socio-economic empowerment of women is a prerequisite for the development of the society. Cairn India identifies and understands the importance of skill development and access to employment opportunities. It is committed to enhance the social status of rural women in its operational areas. The company has been consistently working towards initiating programmes for regular mentoring and creating opportunities for their overall socio-economic enhancement. In alignment with the government’s Skill India initiative The Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC)…

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[gt_alert id=”gt-alert-603″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””]New plan sees India leading the way for protecting animals in disasters. [/gt_alert] New Delhi, Delhi, India Today is a big day for animals, with the launch of National Livestock Disaster Management Plan for the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries by Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Honourable Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare – thereby syncing animal protection into the heart of disaster management. The plan for the first time ensures that animals will be included in disaster preparations, potentially saving millions of animals’ lives and building…

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[gt_alert id=”gt-alert-917″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”success” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”” border_radius=”” css=””]Dr. Jawahar Surisetti’s initiative gets rave reviews from celebrities across the world. [/gt_alert] New Delhi, Delhi, India MyBeti launches the First International Women’s Online Conclave 2016 from the 3rd March to 8th March commemorating the International Women’s Day 2016. This brainchild of eminent psychologist and educationist Dr. Jawahar Surisetti has been launched on the 3rd March has received rave reviews from celebrities like Miss Universe Sushmita Sen. In a first of its kind in the world. MyBeti, The world’s leading organisation of women and girl child service, puts…

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New Delhi, Delhi, India [gt_alert id=”gt-alert-438″ title=”” dismissable=”0″ type=”info” title_color=”” content_color=”” content_background=”” border_size=”” border_style=”none” border_color=”#000000″ border_radius=”” css=””] Govt. machinery, policy makers, scientific community, state agriculture universities and industry adopts mitigation strategies to control white fly infestation in other states. Estimated 4.5 lakh hectares of cotton crop lost in Malwa region of Punjab. [/gt_alert] An interactive stakeholder meeting of ICAR, State Agricultural Universities (PAU, HAU, RAU), CICR, Ministry of Agriculture, scientists, agrochemical industry associations, state government representatives, department of agriculture and the farming community met to deliberate effective management of  white fly pest attacks in the cotton crop in multiple states.…

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Fremont, California, United States Delta Group today announced its participation in SolarReserve’s Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project, the world’s largest concentrating solar power plant with integrated molten salt energy storage. A key part of the electricity generation operation, Delta’s solar tracking solution offers industry leading performance and pointing accuracy to help synchronize and manage over 10,000 tracking mirrors, called heliostats. The heliostats reflect the sun’s thermal energy to a receiver tower, resulting in the generation of clean renewable electricity. Now operational, the Crescent Dunes facility can produce more than 500 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year to power 75,000…

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