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Eminent young speakers converged at Lancers International School emphasizing the need of compassion and social understanding in today’s world. The event kick started at 9 A.M and continued till 2 PM.

The event brought great excitement and energy on the campus among students, faculty, participants and the distinguished speakers who lit the stage with great words around the theme ‘Compassion’. The event also provided a great networking platform for students and speakers alike.

Some of the eminent speakers at the event were Gatik Chaujer, TransForME Learning Founder, Soumya Tejam, CEO and Founder, Bookbite, Vaishali Gauba, journalist, Vimarsh Rana, Founding Mentor of Genebandhu and Deepanshu Khandelwal, Founder, TechPortal.

On the occasion, Saumya Tejam, who is among the youngest CEOs and a recipient of Rotary Young Entrepreneur Award said: “Contrary to popular perception, an absence of a great college degree does not hinder career. At the same time, a great college degree is not synonymous to success.”

Emphasizing the significance of story -telling, Gatik Chaujer, Founder, TransForMe Learning, said: “Each one of us is a born storyteller. The medium of stories just works in every space. From school going kids to business professionals, stories play a wonderful, fascinating, interesting and powerful medium which sends the message to the listener in a smooth and effective manner. Story based approach helps to convince people as the latter connect with stories rather than data. It is thus of utmost importance that we do not lose our emotional buy cialis drug intelligence in this virtual world. We need people who can tell great stories which can inspire others.”

Rohit Mann, Director, Lancers International School said, “It was a pleasure to host TEDx event. It was inspiring to see the speakers share their experiences on the theme- compassion. As we immerse ourselves into the globalised world, we begin to lose certain imperative qualities that have facilitated peaceful human coexistence and progress. The most important of those is compassion. To have compassion is to have the ability to look beyond the materialistic world and appreciate the true nature of what surrounds them. The theme is also among the core principles of Lancerian ideology.”

The event received an overwhelming response from students. “It was inspiring to have eminent speakers on one platform and share their experiences. I look forward to attending more such events in future,” said Kovida Chhikara, a student of Lancers International School.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

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