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Kochi, Kerala, India

UAE Exchange India join hands with Isha foundation ‘Rally for River’ at Nizamabad. Almost 20 staffs voluntarily participated in the program conducted on September 14, 2017, covering areas of Railway Station Circle, Collectorate Office Circle, Pulong Circle, RR Chourastha and Gandhi Chouk in the morning hours.

In the present century, world is moving towards higher phases of innovation with little relevance to nature and its well-being. Almost 30% of Indian Rivers are turning into desert, which stands as a major crisis for the nation. Nation’s lifeblood, our rivers are gradually waning away or being polluted to the extent of non-usage.

As a support for the great shop cipro cause to save our country’s lifelines, UAE Exchange India join hands with Isha foundation ‘Rally for River’ at Nizamabad. Almost 20 staffs voluntarily participated in the program conducted on September 14, 2017, covering areas of Railway Station Circle, Collectorate Office Circle, Pulong Circle, RR Chourastha and Gandhi Chouk in the morning hours.

Mr. Gopi Zonal Head Nizamabad inaugrated the event and shared that, “1.2 billion of us takes a pledge to support such causes, no worries for future. So live righteously today to carve a brighter future for next generation.”

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