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It was amazing experience to conduct another series of Webinar on “CSR, SDGs & Purposeful Play- Important Enabler for Sustainable Development” on 2nd Sept 2020 with leading CSR news portal CompanyCSR & UK based leading Sports Development Non profit organisation Coaches Across Continents (CAC).

Though getting right number of audience at this point of time is highly challenging task, when everyone is flooded with wanted & unwanted Webinars invites/schedule. And task is much more challenging when topic/title of the webinar is new for many but was pleasantly surprised to see many participants joining IN from 15 plus countries including (India, US, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Switzerland, Philippines, Indonesia, S Africa, Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya etc.).

Contrast of the Webinar is specially attractive & useful, when you find participations from policy level advocates to grassroots champions. Title of the Webinar attracted CSR legends like Prof. Michael Hopkins ( Adviser- UEFA-Respect Program) from Switzerland to Mrs. Anamika Mithelesh Singh, Mayor South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC). Adam Burgess from Britain to Charlie from USA. Chester Torres from Phillipines to Jaspreet Kaur from Punjab/India. Dr. K. K Upadhayay, Ex Director FICCI (CSR Div.) to Lina imitrex 100 Restrepo from Colombia , Carolina Recalde from Ecuador to Aditya KV of Umoya Sports, New delhi.

Purpose of the whole deliberation was to learn & unlearn from each others experience & bring CSR & Sustainable Development fraternity closer to sports lovers & other stakeholders and develop eco-system to increase contribution of CSR funds (which is only around 2 % of the total) for its betterment and to improve national health by changing mentalities, building national pride, breed next generation leaders and help to achieve UN-SDGs.

Webinar lasted for more than 2 & half Hrs and all participants agreed to define future roadmap of like minded professionals, players, sports lovers and advocated to launch new campaign to sensitize policy level officials for healthy and fit India, as also appealed by Indian PM Mr Narendra Modi.

Adam Burgess of CAC, UK also requested all participant to come together to support mission like this which is more relevant during Covid time to keep community in healthy and happier mood. It is also decided to involve other stakeholders from Govt., CSOs, Corporate, Academia, sports sector etc. to define future roadmap, said Adam.

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