The 2019 Paula Kantor Award For Excellence In Field Research

The 2019 Paula Kantor Award For Excellence In Field Research

About The Organization –

Anchored in the principle of human dignity, ICRW advances gender equity, inclusion and the alleviation of poverty worldwide. To this end, ICRW works with non-profit, government and private sector partners to conduct research , develop and guide strategy and build capacity to promote evidence-based policies, programs and practices. The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) is a global research institute with headquarters in Washington, D.C., and regional offices in New Delhi, India and Kampala, Uganda.

About The Programme –

The Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research recognizes and honors outstanding achievement in the fields of gender equity and the empowerment of women, girls and other marginalized communities. The award presented at a high level ICRW event, along with a cash prize of $2,500.In the spirit of Paula’s legacy of supporting applied research to advance the economic and social well-being of women, this award will be presented to a young professional female researcher who is contributing to the global evidence base supporting policies and programs that build gender equity. The researcher must be conducting field research that is relevant to ICRW’s mission and taking place in low income or otherwise marginalized communities worldwide.

Criteria For Eligibility

  • The award is open to young professional women researchers up to age 40;All nationalities are welcome to apply
  • The research or body of work may be conducted in any country, including the United States, but must take place in low-income or otherwise marginalized communities, with a primary focus on women’s and girls’ empowerment;
  • The social science research should contribute to filling gaps in evidence, which are important to understanding the best solutions for improving the lives of women, girls and other marginalized populations. The research methodology may utilize quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods;
  • Outcomes of the research should have been shared with the research community, and/or with relevant stakeholders with respect to the nominees’ work;
  •  Findings should have been disseminated through relevant reports, peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, multi-media campaigns or similar communications channels. Co-authored publications or joint dissemination activities are also permissible. Research that is being undertaken as part of an advanced degree requirement is not eligible. For research of this nature, please see ICRW’s Mariam K. Chamberlain Dissertation Award.

Guidelines For Nominations –

  • Nominations must be made by a third-party. Researchers cannot nominate themselves;
  • The professional work for which a nominee is being nominated must be based primarily in a low-income or otherwise marginalized community;
  • For nominations to be considered, the nomination form and the questionnaire
  • Highlighting the nominee’s contributions and why they’re deserving of the award
  • Must be fully completed. Responses on the questionnaire should be focused and succinct and document the impact and relevance of the nominee’s contributions. A curriculum vitae and biography must also be included in nomination submission.

Selection Committee –

The nominees will be evaluated by an initial screening panel appointed by ICRW and the nominees who pass this screening will be shortlisted for evaluation by an independent selection committee of development practitioners, academics and researchers, business professionals, policy experts, and civil society leaders with deep knowledge of the field of gender and international development.

Evaluation Criteria –

The selection committee will evaluate submissions based on the following:

  • The nominee’s use of a robust research methodology following ethical protocols for conducting research;
  • The nominee’s use of innovative practices within the program’s activities and their implementation; and measures to ensure sustainability;
  • A strong gender-focused conceptualization of research/body of work, with appropriate and relevant data gathering techniques, analysis, and interpretations. This exercise may or may not be linked to a specific programs or evaluation.
Event Location Chameli House, 17 Topkhana Road GPO Box 2883, Dhaka-1000 Bangladesh.
The 2019 Paula Kantor Award For Excellence In Field Research
The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
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